Welcome to HalPhillips.net, where the headline news remains the publication of H.P.’s best-selling popular history, Generation Zero: Founding Fathers, Hidden Histories & The Making of Soccer in America. Click the graphic above to purchase this 2022 release via Amazon. There you may procure print or eBook editions, in addition to the newly issued audio edition — read by a charming-though-disembodied simulacrum of Rebecca Lowe, courtesy of A.I. Phillips and his publishers at Dickinson-Moses Press have also created a wicked companion site at www.genzero.halphillips.net. Do visit for newly published soccer features, commentary and podcasts from the author, plus book news, excerpts, all manner of GZ-centric blogging, pictures, reviews and testimonials. (And another thing: You may wish to visit Phillips’ GZ-centric Instagram feed, a pretty cool digital museum & gallery dedicated to U.S. soccer ephemera from the 1970s and ‘80s.) Meantime, stay tuned: The author is busy with his follow-up work — a book about the U.S.-Mexico soccer rivalry tentatively called “Sibling Rivalry” — to be published by Bloomsbury in January 2026, ahead of the World Cup these two will co-host. With Canada. Which is coached by an American now. So it’s all very much on brand…